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Old 06-13-2014, 11:04 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 216
Default EQG Zone Importer

By request-ish. A simple program for importing custom models and editing data for EQG-based zones.

Download link. Also on github.

Zones are imported from the Wavefront .obj format. Instructions are mostly the same as for the EQG Weapon Model Importer.

Namely, from your 3D modelling program (such as Blender) you'll want to export to .obj with these options or equivalents:

* Apply Modifiers
* Include Edges
* Write Normals
* Include UVs
* Write Materials
* Triangulate Faces
* Objects as OBJ Objects

However, unlike with weapon models, zone models stick closely to the in-game coordinate system. So you'll want to export with positive Z as the Up direction.

This tool may have bugs etc etc. Some improvements could also be made if there is any interest. Currently it can only view data for zones using some of the earlier EQG formats (which is what this tool imports custom zones as). Also, it would probably be nice to survey existing "regions" in various zones to see what the options there are -- the "type" of region seems to depend on the region's name (e.g. "AWT_water" presumably makes the region count as water). The effects of individual bits in the per-triangle flags is also unknown -- if anyone figures some of them out, I'll add labels and make it possible to mass-edit triangle flags somehow.
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