Thread: Hero's Respite
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Old 01-11-2019, 07:29 PM
DreadDev's Avatar
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 8

  • You have fought valiantly on Norrath and have been awarded entrance into the afterlife, named Hero's Respite.
  • Hariasa created this afterlife to search for a hero or legend foretold to defeat her former sisters. Hariasa believes this hero is you.
  • Hariasa is an Idsi warrior created by the gods themselves to uphold the values of the righteous gods and protect all of Norrath
  • There were 5 Idsi warriors created and all but Hariasa turned to evil and corruption when they could not bear to defend the Norrathians who did not hold their same values. Why would they work effortlessly to ensure the safety of such meaningless creatures and never get to relish in the spoils of their greed and selfishness.
  • When the 4 corrupted Idsi warriors rebeled against the will of their creators they cast out Hariasa and sealed their plane of power to anyone who did not bear the mark of an Idsi warrior. Knowing that Hariasa could not defeat all of them single handedly their plan worked for millenia where they have sown corruption from on high.
Level 1 - 70:
  • Hariasa believes you are the warrior who will bring an end to the Corrupted Idsi's reign of chaos.
  • In order to enter the Halls of Honor you will need to bear the mark of an Idsi which is attained through 7 trials.

  • Defeat the Bone Chewer Orc Clan and obtain the Idsi Novice Rune (Orcs) 1-10
  • Defeat the Blacksail pirate crew and obtain the Idsi Apprentice Rune (Pirates) 11-20
  • Defeat the Risen Dead and obtain the Idsi Adept Rune (Undead) 21-30
  • Defeat the Order of Blood and obtain the Idsi Expert Rune (Vampires/Drachnids) 31-40
  • Defeat the Gathered Elements and obtain the Idsi Greater Rune (Elemental Golems/Mephits) 41-50
  • Defeat the Hellborne and obtain the Idsi Expert Rune (Balrog/Brells First Creation/Rotdog/Amygdalan/Shades) 51-60
  • Defeat the Warborne and obtain the Idsi Hero Rune (Rallosian/Zek's) 61-70

Once you complete these trials you will be able to enter the Halls of Honor and fulfill your destiny.

Halls of Honor:
  • Defeating the corrupted Idsi warriors will grant you access to the max level hub zone (Katta Castrum) as well as access to max level content.
Max Level Content:
Sub-Class Weapons
  • Sub-Class weapons will be a way for players to customize the way their character performs. Each class will receive the choice between 1 of 3 weapons. Each weapon will receive 2 of either proc, clicky, or worn effects. These effects will change the feel of your class and provide a level of customization players long for.

Idsi Training Grounds:
  • The Idsi Training Grounds are a set of dungeon type zones (LDoN, Sewers from OoW, other generally small zones). These zones will be unlocked using a key. The keys have a global drop chance that is very rare. The training grounds will provide players with augmentations that will greatly increase performance.

Tradeskill Factions:
  • Every tradeskill in the game will receive a faction. Increasing this faction will be something we will reveal down the road. Reaching higher ranks with this faction will grant various perks/items. This will be the only way to receive [Legendary] gear.

1-70 Zone Factions:
  • Each leveling zone will receive its own faction. Reaching ally with one of these factions will grant you access to a perk and weapon ornamentations used by the NPC's in the zone.

Hero's Forge Ornamentations:
Achieving Hero's Forge Ornamentations will be no easy task. Not only will these ornamentations give you a sexy look they will also include the highest stats available. To achieve Hero's Forge armor you must go re-visit the Idsi Trials with increasing difficulty. The difficulties are as follows:
  • [Easy]
  • [Medium]
  • [Hard]
  • [Very Hard]
  • [Impossible]
You must complete the previous difficulty in order to move on to the next difficulty. You may attempt to conquer each Idsi Trial every 12 hours. Once you have reached and conquered [Impossible] difficulty you will be able to start your Hero's Forge quest line.

Treasure Goblins:
  • This Goblin will have an ultra rare chance to spawn after killing any mob in the world. There will be different types of goblins that are able to spawn each having a 100% drop chance for platinum bags and 1 Ultra Rare item. There will also be a Goblin Slayer faction associated which will reward various things.
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