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Old 07-01-2016, 01:33 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 46

This says that CharacterController already has a property called "isGrounded" which checks if the characterController was touching the ground during the last move.

You might separate the .Move command onto a different line as the bitwise operator function.

Also, do you have a range limit set for what objects are rendered? Game clients have an adjustable clip plane (I think that's what it was called in EQ) that only renders terrain and game objects out to a certain distance. It might help if you're only rendering what's in the immediate area instead of every NPC in Qeynos. It's late, so I could be horribly wrong, but since I don't see a good way around having to call the .Move command, the only thing I can guess at is minimizing its usage.
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