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Old 09-01-2019, 10:28 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 107

If you notice missing loot mobs, or incorrect loot tables, make a post on They have added a large number of NPCs, made a large number of loot corrections and fixed multiple quests that I have posted, as of recent, without any hassle. Just try and ensure the information you are posting is correct and be as detailed as possible. Can also link to resources to support your claims. They can't change things they aren't aware of.

Do keep in mind, you will have to learn how to pull the latest database and copy back over your changes and character information afterwards if you want their changes on your private server.

We need more people participating with reporting issues instead of only correcting them on their private server. This improves the project as a whole for everyone. It only takes a minute to verify with various websites like Alla and Magelo that what your reporting appears accurate then making a simple post notifying them.
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