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Old 05-17-2016, 09:47 AM
DanCanDo's Avatar
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Posts: 400

Originally Posted by chrsschb View Post
but hosts are forced to design their servers around bots, mercs, or solo play in order to even be playable.
Yes, I've read through a lot of posts from server owners and players. I see the
servers starting out with their own plan, but then after discovering the lack of
immediate interest by the players, the admin makes changes, or gives up.

I was reading that older thread from Kingly Krab which asked players to give
opinions on what they are looking for. A few talked about the "old" style of play
and the rest all asked about various custom features desired in a server.
The only problem with the whole thread, is only a very small amount of players
responded to it.

Drajor mentioned custom servers and I tend to think the drifting players that
are not dedicated to any particular server are the ones most looking for some
kind of exciting custom server.
I would imagine it's a lot of time, work and effort, not so much just building a
significant server, but keeping players happy, if thats what a server admin
is willing to do and if there isn't enough time, the players probably get bored
and move on. But I assume (even through this conversation), server owners
can't have their cake and eat it too, compromising their own "visions" to keep
the players happy. It really does end up in a "catch 22" situation for any new
servers starting up.
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