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Old 10-19-2016, 11:05 PM
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 62

Sorry for double post - but I also looked into quest::addloot and it *looks* like a fairly simple code change if you are comfortable modifying source. If not, use SummonItem.

void NPC::AddLootDrop(const EQEmu::ItemData *item2, ItemList* itemlist, int16 charges, uint8 minlevel, uint8 maxlevel, bool equipit, bool wearchange) {


item->item_id = item2->ID;
item->charges = charges;
item->aug_1 = 0;
item->aug_2 = 0;
item->aug_3 = 0;
item->aug_4 = 0;
item->aug_5 = 0;
item->aug_6 = 0;
item->attuned = 0;
item->min_level = minlevel;
item->max_level = maxlevel;

So quest::addloot eventually calls NPC::AddItem which in turn calls NPC::AddLootDrop. The above is a snippet of AddLootDrop which shows that it does set the item augs, it just defaults them to 0 and doesn't allow any input from anywhere. Without further investigation I don't know if this is specifically to prevent a bug or something but you could try modifying it so it accepts augment arguments, then modify the questmanager calls and Perl parser respectively. That would be more advanced than you may like though...
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