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Old 07-25-2003, 01:25 AM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,175

I know your post isn't specifically about OpenZone, but I thought I'd put my two cents in...

Adding the ability to export an existing zone in OpenZone might be possible, but I deliberately left out the ability to load existing zones for two reasons:

1. Existing zones, models, etc. are the property of SOE regardless of what file format they're in, and it isn't legal to distribute that information. OpenZone's main purpose is for people to create original content. If I add the abiltity to work with SOE zones, we all know some idiot would start distributing exported SOE zones and OpenZone would wind up taking the blame (yes, I know, there's no reason why I should be held responsible for other people's actions, but this is what happens when too many lawyers are sucking oxygen).

2. I don't want people using OpenZone to cheat in EQLive. It would understandably make SOE go ballistic, and it would rub me the wrong way, too. If OpenZone could load existing SOE zones there's the possibility that people could put shortcuts in zones to cheat (e.g. putting bridges in Sol B). That is definitely not the purpose of OpenZone and I don't want it twisted that way (I also don't want OpenZone or EQEmu in general taking the blame for idiots using it to cheat).

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