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Old 08-24-2013, 04:40 AM
Drakiyth's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 549

After thinking about it for a while and experiencing some of my own server I feel that the raid scenario pigeon holes players into being forced to find a group and guild and kills their fun and self improvement. I understand that the original design of an mmorpg is to team up and take on the baddies with whatever you can combine together but it overall turns into a DPS fest and who has the biggest.. well you know where I was going with that.

The case in point is I feel the server needs more freedom. I don't want players logging on and logging off because they can't find somebody to team with. I want to make sure players have both options but only if they choose to do so. Overall with this said I feel like raids need to be eliminated completely and the server needs to turn more solo to 1 group based like the diablo series. This will allow players to relax more and stop comparing classes so much and get through the content by themselves on their own time or with a friend or two but no more being forced to raid.

With this said: the following changes will be happening to
Varlyndria: Ascension. Effective immediately.

Veksar, Fallen, Monkey Rock and Kurn's Tower are becoming normal zone difficulty and the items dropped in those zones will once again become tradeable and attuneable.

I don't want any player on Varlyndria feeling squashed up in a corner and not able to enjoy the server. Those days have ended.
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