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Old 03-18-2016, 12:01 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,106

I'm pretty sure I heralded the doom of this server, with my mass cheating and haxx.

either that, or tons of bug fixes. Not sure which one you'll be happy to tell the public.

GG on making Ganja quit, that was lulz, you fucking trashed a good person because your elitist attitude (more like bi-polar teenage attitude) took hold.

All you did was hand items out and buff players, saying "I HAD A DREAM" while others work on your shit.

Then get mad because you can't figure out how to remove the LDON camps, whereas I showed you a query to do it.

But meh, keep blaming others for your fuck ups, maybe bernie sanders will make THF or EZ share their code for you.

P.S Easter Egg Bombs buddy.
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."
