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Old 02-05-2009, 09:53 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 374

Ports on your router that need to be opened;
3306/udp, 5999/udp, 9000/udp, 7000-7010/udp, 3306/tcp, 5999/tcp, 7000-7010/tcp
ports 7000-7010 are variable, pending on how many dynamic and static zones you start up. If you use 5 dynamic zones and 5 static, then 7000-7010, is ok, if you start more, then increase the amount accordingly.
I appologize, I did not see this part of the guide. You already did mention the port. But one thing to note is that you do not need to open any TCP ports. It is all UDP.

These are the ports I use on my firewall, and all works fine. I used to forward both tcp and udp ports until FNW told me on IRC a while back that it was a big misconception and that EQEMU only uses UDP.

UDP 	Uplink ANY : 7779 	=> : 7779 	EQEMU Mail
UDP 	Uplink ANY : 7778 	=> : 7778 	EQEMU Chat 	

UDP 	Uplink ANY : 5999 	=> : 5999 	EQ Minilogin

UDP 	Uplink ANY : 9000 	=> : 9000 	EQEMU

UDP 	Uplink ANY :
7000 - 7010 	=> : 7000 - 7010 	EQEMU
BTW: what is 3306 for? I never use that port.
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