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Old 10-05-2008, 10:31 PM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,032

Trev: ok I see what you mean

Cavedude, IMHO to avoid unnesesary complication why not substitute current system with something with more straight forward which does not depend on which order items listed in?

the value X should only be randomed ONCE, the all ranges can be put in a list ANY order (default so to speak) and made correspand to a range value in the list.

let say you have 5 items on the list: 10%, 25%, 5%, 20%, 40% (no need to sort)

the list then woudl look like this:
B (A+25=35)
C (B+5=40)

now you roll your X 0 to 99, and let say you end up with 77.
Now you go into the list and see which range 77 falls into, lookign at gaps in manner of:
is X < A? if yes then A is true, else : X<B if yes then B is true else:

this looks way more straigth forward to me not to mention you save CPU time by only rolling ONCE
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