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Old 11-11-2015, 12:23 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 14
Default ForeverQuest - The second most fun you can have at your computer desk.

Hey gamer type people,

Since Trackye is more of an unsung hero type, i wanted to post this and get some good recognition going for this server.

ForeverQuest is a relatively new server (about 1.5 months now from conception) and already has a massive amount of quests, content and ongoing/interesting lore to keep players busy (even avid ones like myself).

The server has bots for those whom do not wish to box an army. And they are definitely recommended.

With that said, you will still want to box a couple characters (between 2-4 recommended). If you take your time to gear up, 2 groups (2 boxes + 5 bots each) is plenty for the content, if you are a bit lazier (like me) you can box additional characters to make up for it.

I'm having an absolute blast playing here, it has a mix of both EQ-like grinding and leveling mixed with custom content and quests.

Max level is currently 75, and upon hitting level 65 your journey beings in the custom zones for their custom quests and loot.

The last thing i want to really talk about is the polish that this server has already achieved. The lore, quests, and custom zones are top notch and Trackye is so open to feedback from his player-base and so active, that the server is growing at an incredible pace i've not seen before.

If you're looking for a challenging server that actually takes some time to complete, but has rewarding fights and progression - This is the place for you. I've not found a home like this one in a long time - There's something for all players here, and is lead by a developer with a clear focus and direction for his server. It's definitely one to check out.


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