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Old 05-11-2018, 05:14 PM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Posts: 1,492

Some of these ideas at the base are very similar to the project of my own. So to answer your questions:

1. No boxing. No botting. Solo content for all levels, Grouping from 20+, Raiding (2 groups) from 50+. Everytime zone added/level cap raised content added for each type of gameplay.

2. Mix of story-telling and Sandbox. One of hand - open world, on another - rich rewards for participating in complex quest lines.

3. Custom Map world. More than 1 starting city (but not too many as population can't handle 14 cities). I am aiming at 4.

4. and 5. Classes redone from scratch. Start with most basics - add more unique choice as you go.

6 and 7. Completely against donation gear of any type. Cosmetic rewards only- for example illusion items that do not alter faction.

PS. Since you played of THF, have you tried the Alternative Progression?
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