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Old 02-02-2017, 06:30 PM
ZombieSoul's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 31
Default Potions with charges(5-10) only have one when bought from merchant

First, I'd like to say thank you to everyone that has made this software possible, I have been able to get a server up and play with little problems that I couldn't figure out.

But one thing I'm struggling with and I'm posting in the bugs section because it's starting to look like a bug in the merchant code to me, but it is very possible that I messed up on something. I've read and searched all I can find, and see mentions of this issue years ago and I assumed it was fixed.

I have used Akka's windows installer so it has the PEQ database with minimal modifications(adding merchants etc, no item mods) and RoF2 client.
I can add a potion with maxcharges=10 (10 dose blood of the wolf) to my merchant. It shows up correctly on the merchant listing the charges, when you select it it also shows 10 charges beside the buy button, but when I buy it, it has 1 charge.

I can #giveitem the same item and it is fine, but not when bought from the merchant. 5 Dose potions also are the same way.

Is this a bug or did I mess something up somehow? I've spent good bit of time searching for the answer to that question and tried to trace the buy code a bit but that would take me a while to wrap my head around.

Thanks in advance
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