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Old 05-04-2009, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Secrets View Post
It's probably the disc type, since all of the spells on KMRA were hand-made and it would seem in SoF some of them are hardcoded to have a specific disc re-use as out of combat only. I'll try and get the number on the one that doesn't work, but some discs do work, some don't... i'm willing to bet it's spell file dependant.
Just an update on this, for reference:

I ended up importing the spells, exporting them, and some spells were working because the number of fields was correct for titanium. Some of the older spells Raid Addicts has did *not* have all the required fields for titanium, however the titanium client still read the spell. When I converted this over to SoF with the import/export technique, those spells got corrupted. I ended up taking my broken file and opening it up in Ailia's Spell Editor, and then save it without doing any changes, and that added the missing fields.

It's a good thing to know, because if I didn't have those fields, they would have got parsed incorrectly into the DB (which they did initially) and then broken in the end SoF client. So, I imported and exported again after saving the spell file again, and this time it made a very nice Secrets of Faydwer compatable spell file.

Just wanted to post my progress on this for reference.
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