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Old 08-27-2009, 11:51 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 22

Hey thanks for all of your concerns while I am a developer I can't make any final decisions on things like translocators but I can almost guarantee you that there will not be any type of service with regards to teleportation. Travel time in old world really isn't a huge deal as the map is not THAT huge, and there will be druids around I am sure of it. Nexus, PoK etc really ruined an important part of EQ. It kind of took away part of that bartering and service part of the game.

Boats are something that have been looked at and while there has been things that have been partially working, I don't think there has been a definitive fix. At this time there is translocators that will take you from dock to dock but the boats are not working at this time I don't believe (although Xzerion and Aeolwind were working on it a few weeks ago but I am not sure exactly how far they got on it).

The team really strives for this to be a classic experience and we don't want any part of the game to be "easier" for the sake of convenience. Putting a self teleportation system into the game would just be damaging I think for the community.

Other points of debate that have been brought up have included multi-boxing and soulbinders. I don't want to comment too much on those points as nothing has been set in stone but those two issues bring up concerns of community. Soulbinders may have to stay just for the sake that you won't see casters sitting around in cities waiting to bind people so they may be a necessary evil.

Boxing has been a really touchy issue on both sides. We have had people say they will downright not play on Project 1999 if boxing is not allowed, but at the same time we have been able to down huge raid targets with a small number of people due to multi-boxing. So I am sure once we are ready to launch there will be a list of rules/concerns involving some of these issues.

Thanks again for bringing up these issues and I hope I did ok to address them.
Developer at Project 1999
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