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Old 04-30-2009, 10:50 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: NC, USA
Posts: 182

Loot all button would be very hard to implement, as it is currently not available in the titanium client.

As for coins being weightless, that can be changed.


int16 Client::CalcCurrentWeight() {
	const Item_Struct* TempItem = 0;
	ItemInst* ins;
	int16 Total = 0;
	int x;
	for(x = 0; x <= 30; x++)
		TempItem = 0;
		ins = GetInv().GetItem(x);
		if (ins)
			TempItem = ins->GetItem();
		if (TempItem)
			Total += TempItem->Weight;
	for (x = 251; x < 331; x++)
		int TmpWeight = 0;
		TempItem = 0;
		ins = GetInv().GetItem(x);
		if (ins)
			TempItem = ins->GetItem();
		if (TempItem)
			TmpWeight = TempItem->Weight;
		if (TmpWeight > 0)
			int bagslot = 22;
			int reduction = 0;
			for (int m = 261; m < 331; m += 10)
				if (x >= m)
					bagslot += 1;
			ItemInst* baginst = GetInv().GetItem(bagslot);
			if (baginst && baginst->GetItem() && baginst->IsType(ItemClassContainer))
				reduction = baginst->GetItem()->BagWR;
			if (reduction > 0)
				TmpWeight -= TmpWeight*reduction/100;
			Total += TmpWeight;

	if (GetAA(aaPackrat) > 0)
		Total *= (GetAA(aaPackrat) * 10) / 100; //AndMetal: guessing 10% per level, up to 50%. description just indicates it affects gear, doesn't mention coin
	Total += (m_pp.platinum + + m_pp.silver + m_pp.copper) / 4;
	return Total;

and take out the line:

	Total += (m_pp.platinum + + m_pp.silver + m_pp.copper) / 4;
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