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Old 08-09-2016, 02:16 PM
Wolfshead Sky
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 14

I am following the tutorial as given here (from this site):

The video you are asking about is on step 11.

On step 8, you are told to type in "cd ~". When I do that, my line looks like this:

root@eq:/home/eq# cd ~

After I type "cd ~", I get this:


Then on that line, I type "mkdir peq server" and so my line looks like this:

root@eq:~# mkdir peq server

My initial thought is that I need to stay in /home/eq. But being a total beginner at this, I am doing my best to follow the instructions to the letter. That means typing out "cd ~".

And I know that I need to use something other than "root" for my passwords. I mentioned that in my initial post as well as my reasons.
Wolfshead Sky
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