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Old 06-12-2015, 09:36 PM
Coenxai's Avatar
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 151
Default Remnants of the Claw

I've been developing a server for many months now and I'm pleased to say that I'm ready for closed alpha. I need a few dedicated individuals to help test changes and provide feedback at certain times.

I'll upload videos: here!
Check us out: here!

Here's some basic server information:
- Content is entirely custom but with massive similarities in certain areas. You'll find a lot of zones that simply feel enhanced.
- New spawns brings new lore! The world will provide backstory via books and more!
- Spells have been completely redesigned from scratch. You'll notice I follow a lot of signature spell lines, but I also throw in a lot of new toys to keep each class entertained. It was also a goal of mine to make spell casting more responsive and reactive.
- The code is very different from the stock version of EQEmu. Avoidance, mitigation, casting, hit chance, statistics, and so much more is very different, but it still follows the spirit of the game.
- Quests in all shapes and sizes. Word on the street is extremely rare artifacts exist in the form of weapons.
- Legit. Fun fact, begging for items, cash, levels, or anything ridiculous can actually lead to suspension. There's no favors here, earn your character's worth through adventure or tradeskill.
- Log in have fun.™ This aspect is extremely important to me. I realize a lot of us are older now and have jobs and family. Tedious elements will still exist but everyone should always be able to log in and have something fun to do.
- Endless amounts of relatively subtle humor and easter eggs. Seriously, Advisor Hasten doesn't drop them.
- Balance is a huge issue with me, so you can bet I'll keep a fair playing field in every sense of the game. Racial bonuses such as experience, armor class or natural healing have been stripped from the code so you don't feel required (assuming you're a min/maxer) to roll a certain race. The only advantage you'll have is starting statistics (which a gnome, for instance, could max upon achieving a decent set of gear) I don't ever want you to feel detached from a character simply because you put five points in intelligence instead of five points in stamina on character creation.

There's so many more things I could list, but I'll let you experience them for yourself. Please keep an eye out on the YouTube channel for videos and register on the forum to follow patch notes. I'll post various zone walk-throughs soon so you can get a feeling for the game.

(Remember, this is only closed alpha and I'm the sole developer currently.)
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."
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