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Old 12-16-2017, 11:11 PM
jakalecax's Avatar
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: OmnomnomHIO
Posts: 11

Look, I confess, yes- I actually live in a progressive area of the midwest with several competing local broadband cable providers and at least one residential fiber alternative, but look around; in a few years fiber will be king, dialup and DSL and satellite are already fading, cable and even high speed wireless will remain for another ten to twenty years, maybe even longer commercially, but we won't even remember these dark ages a couple years from now.

I'm so sorry you have Xfinity/Comcast 25 bucks for 10Mbps is crappy; I'm locked into one year renewing contract rates of 60Mbps (50D/10U) and 5 static IPs for about 80 bucks per month, which is only a local savings of about 33% off "retail" rates in my area.

Really, the FCC is impotent- I've dealt with them for going on two years now over content complaints for broadcast violations; when I say they're "impotent" that is a real and accurate assessment. We are ALL better off if/when the FTC takes up the baton, because the Trade Laws here are so favorable for us "John Q. Public" Customers. If and when ISPs start monopolizing areas and over-reaching into content also, they'll be dealt with swiftly; some localities have already made the move to classify broadband providers as utility companies, since they are de facto replacing landlines and telephones.

Forgive my optimism, guys. Thanks
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