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Old 03-03-2004, 11:19 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: 47
Posts: 339

k, as of 0.5.3dr3, there are a few issues for using this, so maybe not everyone could try it.

i posted about some of the issues, esp. global var retrieval, perl variable set/reset, and multiple plugins cache problems. There are a few fixes to apply to the server if you want to have this running.

So i decided to set up a server so that people could play around and figure out by themselves. The server name will be Khalzed Dur perl quest test Server or something like that. i'll go into details there.

i wrote a few scripts, but they are'nt too crafted, as my english is very poor, and spent a lot of time in debugging plugins / variables / globals

jobs : applies to religious monk brothers, or hermits. applies to guards. Usually set 'job' to 'guard' for all ... guards gets the NPC to be a soulbinder applies to innkeepers

zone :
started to write a script for Freeport East area. This script applies to all NPC that are in freporte, when no other match applies.

interests : is knowledge about religious facts (this one is based on a file in EQ directory)

They were built automatically, so they may react odd sometimes. i also used another plugin i'll discuss later, the gaagle function.
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