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Old 02-26-2022, 05:53 AM
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: In the woods
Posts: 66
Default Never have understood the need to cheat.........

I have played adventure games long before there was an internet and way before google was a word. In that time I have never understood why someone has the need to cheat in a game to just say they are better than everyone else.

Cheating does not make you better, having software to do what your supposed to do and learn how to do is not smarter or better. QOL things that help assist you with the mundane I understand but cheating to get a piece of equipment to make your character OP, you did not earn it so truly why?

I do see what is happening, they are doing ti to make OP characters and then exporting them to have them imported onto a server with that gear. Right now there is only one server publicly that I know is doing it. Sad though it will ruin the server. OP gear on not so good players makes for a very mundane place to be.

Sorry had to rant a little, people will abuse what ever they can just so they get what they want. If your a private server with importing existing characters you may want to nerf some of it.

I have always played this type of game for the adventure, was never into the number crunching and gear chasing, more of the what is in this area I am not supposed to be in since it is for lvl 45 and I am oh 26.......That kind of player, curious and having fun while doing it whether it was Everquest or World Of Warcraft. It also seems the players of both got to a point and noticed things being handed out and not really earned so it made that item you acquired after hundreds of hours seem not so much worth it since it was the new candy to draw new players who did not want to do what you did to get it.

Ah well it is what it is and it will always be as it is.

Why am I ranting, I am preaching to the choir, lol.
Freejacks EQ World
Just a place to adventure and do the things I did not do before and that was a long time ago.
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