Thread: Spell Globals?
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Old 04-30-2015, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Bandor View Post
So from what I understand I can make spells global and pretty much make them quest rewards in a way. I have set my globals and all that good stuff and modified my db to enable global checks. However I can't seem to find any info on how to make a spell scriber not scribe the spells that are global. Anyone know any way of making this happen? Hope that makes sense.
Spell globals is a system that I believe Kingly made (forget who), requiring a quest global to have a certain value before it can be scribed.

Perhaps its a misunderstanding on my part or on yours explaining or maybe even understanding what they spell globals "do"?

The following example will scribe all level 1 to 9 spells for all classes:

quest::scribespells (9,1);
Going by PEQ stock DB now. If you didn't want, say, Minor Healing (ID 200) to be scribed unless the player had the quest global with a key name of say "ungimped" (ex. $qglobal{"ungimped"} ) with a value of 4 (it -may- be >= 4, I would have to look at the source) declared, you would in your 'spell_globals' table place:

spellid: 200
spell_name: Minor Healing
qglobal: ungimped
value: 4


Does that help you at all? You were just using the word "global" by itself, not really specifying quest or spell as to what type of global, where as both are involved, so it was a little bit of a confusing read (that is to know whether or not you fully understood how it works).

If that didn't help, let me know, I'll try to provide more information/code examples.
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