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Old 04-01-2019, 03:08 AM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

It can be difficult (for someone like me), helping someone, without actually sitting at their puter to see what's going on. (It's also the reason I would never work in a call centre), :P
There has been many changes in the emulator server project over the years, as it progresses, but some of those changes provide options for people. Like the choice of using lua or perl for quest scripting, or using Akka's installer instead of doing a manual compile and install, like myself. Akka's installer makes use of the mariadb, as well as his customized start/stop scripts for the server.
Maybe one of these days, I'll use an old box and run Akka's installer just to see what it does and see what others see, when they have problems. I use straight mysql and my own startup scripts, as well as editing my own config files to suit my needs. I don't need the telnet enabled and that "http" web interface is obsolete anyways, so it's better off disabled.
I'm not sure what kind of default config files come with Akka's installer, but I did notice on yours, it's missing entries for the chatserver and mailserver. I think I've posted a sample before of the config I use, somewhere on these forums, but it would get buried in the weeds, like everything else. I remember the days, when the only answer people got, was "search the forums", lol
The following is a sample of my existing config that I use now, if you want to copy it and save to your own eqemu_config. (backup your old one). You just need to adjust the usernames, passwords, etc. But I assume you know the shortname and longname in the config has to match the ones in your database, (exactly). Other this working config, I have no idea what could be causing your problems.

     "server" : {
          "chatserver" : {
               "host" : "",
               "port" : "7778"
          "database" : {
               "db" : "peq",
               "host" : "",
               "password" : "password",
               "port" : "3306",
               "username" : "username"
          "directories" : {
               "logs" : "logs/",
               "lua_modules" : "lua_modules/",
               "maps" : "maps/",
               "patches" : "./",
               "plugins" : "plugins/",
               "quests" : "quests/",
               "shared_memory" : "shared/"
          "mailserver" : {
               "host" : "",
               "port" : "7778"
          "qsdatabase" : {
               "db" : "peq",
               "host" : "",
               "password" : "password",
               "port" : "3306",
               "username" : "username"
          "world" : {
               "address" : "",
               "http" : {
                    "enabled" : "false",
                    "mimefile" : "mime.types",
                    "port" : "9080"
               "key" : "DvWyo6SOQVA8zqDzG5utpZuI7um4Kre",
               "localaddress" : "",
               "loginserver" : {
                    "account" : "Administrator",
                    "host" : "",
                    "legacy" : "0",
                    "password" : "Password1234",
                    "port" : "5998"
               "longname" : "Faydwer Live - 20190330",
               "shortname" : "FaydwerLive",
               "tcp" : {
                    "ip" : "",
                    "port" : "9000",
                    "telnet" : "disable"
          "zones" : {
               "defaultstatus" : "0",
               "ports" : {
                    "high" : "7500",
                    "low" : "7100"
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