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Old 05-30-2016, 04:12 PM
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Shin Noir
Legendary Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 502

I'm not sure if I should post on here updates or not, but as an update, thus far I've recruited about 18 testers playing when they have an opportunity. Positive feedback thus far it seems.

This weekend We've added a feature where if a player talks in OOC, they are tagged by their "Identity" name. This is a custom account-wide display name that helps identify players.

It is used for bridging the gap between discord and EQ chat, as well as since we have mechanics that encourage players to hop between alts, we wanted a way to identify people easier with a more universal name. If a player dislike being identified, just don't talk in OOC or discord. (We may make /w all also include it, and same respect, /roleplay or /anon would mask a player's identity).

~Shin Noir
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