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Old 02-06-2015, 03:58 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 116

Originally Posted by epilz View Post
I updated to the latest source this morning, and have not seen any errors so far on my test server. #repop is instantly on my box
I tried renaming the logs, quests, and plugins folder to try and sniff out the problem. None of which had any significant effect on the problem.

14 Sec loading without logs, quests or plugin folder.
23 Sec Loading with log folder, quests, and plugin.

In my log folder under subdir called 'zone' i am getting big log files like 10mb to 30mb for a specific zone.

What is weird though is when the quest is commented away that loads the weapon plugin random weapons on spawn it still has a substantial lag in popping. (The script used to work with instant popping without issues)/

[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:32] [Quests] Use of uninitialized value $PrimType in string eq at plugins/ line 944.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:32] [Quests] Use of uninitialized value $SecType in array element at plugins/ line 948.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:32] [Quests] Use of uninitialized value $SecType in string eq at plugins/ line 957.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:32] [Quests] Use of uninitialized value $PrimType in string eq at plugins/ line 944.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:32] [Quests] Use of uninitialized value $SecType in array element at plugins/ line 948.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:32] [Quests] Use of uninitialized value $SecType in string eq at plugins/ line 957.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:33] [Quests] Argument "SHIELD" isn't numeric in array element at plugins/ line 948.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:33] [Quests] Argument "1HB" isn't numeric in array element at plugins/ line 948.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:33] [Quests] Argument "1HP" isn't numeric in array element at plugins/ line 948.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:33] [Quests] Argument "1HS" isn't numeric in array element at plugins/ line 948.
[02-06-2015 :: 11:58:33] [Zone Server] Time Broadcast Packet: EQTime [03:10 am]
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