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Old 07-01-2008, 03:40 PM
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: planet earth
Posts: 137

Ok well We have made some changes, firstly we have reinstalled the site software due to a few bugs so people need to reregister sorry about that...

Development is now underway here are some details about it

There are two games being developed

Legendary Journeys: The Twin Darkness - This is a single player only Prequel to the mmo in development that will be explained later in this post... The purpose of this game is to familiarize the player with the world taking them through the history that leads up to the state of the world in which the sequel mmo takes place, the most simple explination I can give is to think of TTD as the KOTOR1 of LJ and the MMO KOTOR2

Legendary Journeys: The Age of Baazetu - The sequel to TTD This will be an mmorpg taking place directly after the events depicted in TTD, There is an idea in the works to allow the player to transfer their main toon from TTD Into AOB so that its an immersive and consistant story from one game into the next for the player.

If these two games become popular then we have a third game that will close out the trillogy as well that we will develop but for now these are the two projects on the table

that said We are recruiting for developers for both projects

Content Creators
Python Developers Developers
C#.NET Developers
3d Artists riggers and animators

If interested please register on and pm either myself or kfrench16 for more information
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