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Old 08-12-2012, 07:35 AM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

My first meanderings with this issue found that the client does not like to be updated when in 'Death Hover' mode.

I finally found a way around it by letting the client do what it wants to do in that particular mode, and everything
seemed to be ok through all of my testing..that is, until now...

I found another little sneaky bug that SOE snuck in the client.

If you die in non-Death Hover (return to bind point on death) with items in your cursor queue, and your last zone reload
was from a different zone (this can even be the staging area), then the very last item in your cursor queue manages to
follow you. Since the server has already moved your inventory to your corpse, you're left with a 'phantom' object.

If you die in the same zone as your bind point afterwards, the cursor queue is cleared properly..hence why this bug didn't
show itself right away. (My testing was all done at my bind point and my first #kill was always with a clear cursor.)

The code works as it is intended, but I need to do some more research into this. It could be that a flag needs to be set in
one of the 'unknown' fields in the packet structure, but that will take some experimenting.

In Death Hover mode, there aren't any apparent problems, and this bug fixes itself when you try to put the 'phantom'
item in your inventory (there is no 'error -> deleting item' message.)

I'll play with this for now and see what I can find out.

The fix is still good and only applies to player death with more than one item on their cursor. As long as the player under-
stands that they need to clear this item before attempting to move items around, there shouldn't be an issue with CSD's.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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