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Old 10-09-2007, 02:29 PM
Doodman's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 246

First of all, I was trying to be a gentleman about it and tried to compliment you on the skills that you have. But, I see you those compliments are beneath you as you refuse to accept them.

Comments on the source you provided:
1) What I see in that code is basically a assembly dump (in C form) of the code. The only place there is any thing useful, is where you find the raw strings being pushed onto the stack before function calls:
2) What you posted hardly qualifies as "decoded" in my eyes, it is not much more useful (if at all) than the raw assembly from a disassembler.
3) Nor does it come close to compiling (at least on Linux). It produces 2235 lines of errors/warnings during compile.

Good luck in your endeavors. But, honestly, if you wanted to recreate MiniLogin source, starting from a decompilation of the .exe is not where I'd start. The protocol is not exactly hard to figure out. Plus, if you'd look at a tcpdump of the interaction, you'd easily see that it is not "encoded" whatsoever.