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Old 03-06-2017, 08:01 PM
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by Maze_EQ View Post
Make sure you invest 2000 hours into the server to become #1.

Then they'll tell you I'm DDOS'n them, and that's why they need to bring the server down and wipe it.

It'll be my fault.

But when they come back up new and improved (just means they got someone who knew more than how to reboot) it'll just happen again.

Cause I'm the bane of BNR.

Buddy I have specifically told you that noone thinks these things about you, at all. If we did why would your name be int he BNR Guidebook as a revered past developer and why would we have an NPC of you with your backstory and all about how you helped us early on. What happened between youa nd I was a YEAR AND A HALF AGO and I certainly am not harboring any ill-will toward you or anyone else for that matter. I'm sorry you think that we bash you Maze but that's just not the case, and if I found someone saying bad things about you I would handle it. I'll point out that I have not made a single post about you, nor have I ever replied to your hate-ridden posts int he past. If it's an apology you want then here it is publicly: I am sorry that you and I had differences on things early on when I was becoming a server developer, and I am thankful for the help you have provided me and our server.

Other than that man it's been a year and a half, you've bashed me multiple times on this forum, on reddit, on facebook and twitter.. You have raised a smear compaign against me and all I ever really did was remove you from GM status because you gave some of our players epics and things they never earned and spells from 5 expansions ahead of us. And through it all I still sing your praises... honestly what is it going to take for you to let this go?
Dev - Hecklen's House Party
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