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Old 08-13-2015, 11:20 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

It was noted to me that it isn't 100% clear what you're supposed to do once you enter your database info and icon folder in the Options screen.

Once the options are filled out, click Search. If the database was accessed successfully, the app will show "Loading . . ." and start loading in a list of item names and spell names to aid in the item editing process, then present you with the search screen.

If the database connection was unsuccessful, you'll be sent back to the Options screen.

I will make this process clearer by adding a "Test" button on the Options screen and an error/confirmation message depending on the results of the connection attempt.

Sorry for any confusion there. The process made sense in my head, but nobody has ESP to know what I was thinking when I made it.
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