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Old 11-13-2013, 11:46 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 6

While I usually don't play a necromancer, I have decided to revive this thread with something new and refreshing to say. It is my hope that with this post, some new life may be brought to Zippzipp's, which has, unfortunately, taken a dive in terms of numbers (but not quality). I find this to be unfortunate because, as a veteran EQ player who has been playing since Classic, I feel that Zippzipp's is one of the best, if not the absolute best server that EQEmu has to offer. I want some new friends to explore GoD with, some new friends to help experience the wonder that I have experienced playing through Zippzipp's progression.

Both of the above posters are incorrect in their posts. Allow me to explain.

First, the content is tuned just fine. I think there is a very healthy balance between how much solo content there is (a lot) and how much group content there is (not much, but very pivotal). This isn't meant to be an entirely solo server, let alone a solo game. However, I am currently in GoD as a completely solo player (as in, I do not box multiple toons). I have had help on some parts of Ele and Time, as well as occasional early game bosses. I have also soloed Xegony and Coirnav, hearing tales of others almost soloing Fennin. With work, ingenuity, and skill, a lot more is doable than some are inclined to think. This isn't a roflstompomfg easy server, but it also isn't p99. It is a healthy blend of challenge and enjoyment, solo and group. You get to experience nearly the entire scope of raiding from each expansion, going back to zones you never thought you'd go back to, and killing bosses that once made you want to pull your hair out and some you may not have even killed. I have never been more addicted to playing EQ than when I started playing on Zippzipp's.

(Side note: if anything, the content needs to be tuned up so there is a bit more longevity to the server, so people don't get bored. Mind you, this is coming from someone who has 17 days played over the course of a couple months. It isn't that fast, but it isn't terribly slow, either, but regardless, I am here to stay)

Second, these zoning issues that the above poster mentioned no longer exist or are a client-side problem, not server. It has not happened to me once, and trust me, I've zoned a lot.

Skilled, dedicated players go far on this server. With a little help, the entire world Zippzipp has recreated is available to you. Zippzipp's used to have amazing population numbers, but I feel that with even 10-15 more consistent people playing, Zippzipp's would flourish as the great server I know it to be.

I am Sunlight. If you want to give Zippzipp's a try, I will be more than happy to help you get started, help you if you get stuck, or just run around Crushbone with you for giggles. If I am not online, I might be on Vakkar or another alt, so feel free to /ooc and ask if I am around.

Server Description:
Max level 65. GoD enabled.
Task/Quest/Hit List based progression through GoD.
Solo friendly. Solo is rather challenging, but completely manageable for skilled, dedicated players. Events that can't be soloed easily are often much more manageable with 2, sometimes 3 people.
Fast exp/aa, but not instant level 65. You'll need to spend time exping and getting gear to be able to progress further.
Custom (but difficult) quests for 1.5s and 1.0s (which allows you to get epics for your bots, too).
Boxing allowed but not necessary to progress.
Send me a tell in game if you have any other questions!



Give Zippzipp's a try and I think you will be glad you did.

Last edited by dulavo; 11-13-2013 at 11:59 PM.. Reason: Added Server Description
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