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Old 05-27-2019, 02:28 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 116

I get what you're saying about the rounding, but you can only turn in platinum to the NPC he will hand you back anything else, so that doesn't become an issue.

if ($playerdice == $dealerroll) {
				# push - cards are the same. Return bet.
				plugin::Whisper("You rolled a $playerdice. It's a draw. Returning your wager. Thanks for playing.");
				my $cash = $qglobals{"bet"};
				$copper	= ($cash % 10);
				$silver	= (int ($cash / 20) % 10);
				$gold = (int ($cash / 200) % 10);
				$platinum = int ($cash / 2000);
				quest::givecash($copper, $silver, $gold, $platinum); #Give money back
It's dividing the bet in half here on the push. Probably not the best way to do it, but it worked. I am definitely not an expert coder, I just dabble and play around with stuff.
This was just something simple I created and thought I'd share it for those wanting a simple gambling mechanic for their server.
Was kinda hoping this sparked an idea in someone and they'd post some other fun little game for everyone to play with.

Developer of the Imperium Server.
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