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Old 03-12-2009, 06:48 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 30

It can't find your database. You'll need to check that:
The database is running/started
Your info in your db.ini file is correct.

Checking that your db.ini file is correct should be pretty straightforward. Host is the ip of the computer that holds the server. Database is the name of the database, and user and password are for whatever account you set up to have access to your database.

Checking if your database is running/started...
I'm sure there's another way, but how I run version 5.0 of mysql is that I run MYSQLSystemTrayMonitor.exe, which loads an icon on my taskbar. There's more info about it here, but here's a quick rundown on it. On the icon's upper left should be a small white circle with either a green triangle or a red square. The green means it's running. If it's red, then right click and choose Start Instance (top of menu).
It looks like this file's included with the mysql administrator download
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