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Old 10-20-2016, 05:35 PM
DanCanDo's Avatar
Join Date: May 2016
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Posts: 400

Originally Posted by N0ctrnl View Post
And that's to say nothing of the expectations people have after they actually "pay" for something.
I understand that totally N0ctrl, in many areas in my own life, I have a lot
issues with products/services wanting my money and not realizing my
expectations. I've always had this attitude "If my wallet is paying for it, then
you better have something thats worth it."

BUT, what's being contributed by the devs is FAR MORE than what my
wallet could even afford. Nobody's asking for a pay cheque or putting a price
tag on this project, they do it all for free and as far as I am concerned, what
has been done and contributed up to this point so far, should be more
appreciated than it actually has been. Any donations now, should be an
appreciation for what has been done in the past, not so much the future.
Project Insect Completed
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