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Old 02-10-2016, 09:35 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 5

Got bored enough to give this another look see tonight. Thanks, image. That helped. I've cobbled together something that gives you the functionality you want, Slaymore.

Tested this by confirming that NEC's "Invoke Death" pet (base 33 delay) gets appropriately set to 19 when given a Lamentation. I didn't thoroughly test all scenarios, but weapons should NOT be able to make a pet hit slower. If the delay is worse, it ignores the delay. If it's faster, it uses it.

diff --git a/zone/attack.cpp b/zone/attack.cpp
index 2fdf5f1..9b7a1b9 100644
--- a/zone/attack.cpp
+++ b/zone/attack.cpp
@@ -4584,17 +4584,6 @@ void NPC::SetAttackTimer()
 	attack_timer.SetAtTrigger(4000, true);
 	Timer *TimerToUse = nullptr;
-	int hhe = itembonuses.HundredHands + spellbonuses.HundredHands;
-	// Technically NPCs should do some logic for weapons, but the effect is minimal
-	// What they do is take the lower of their set delay and the weapon's
-	// ex. Mob's delay set to 20, weapon set to 19, delay 19
-	// Mob's delay set to 20, weapon set to 21, delay 20
-	int speed = 0;
-	if (RuleB(Spells, Jun182014HundredHandsRevamp))
-		speed = static_cast<int>(((attack_delay / haste_mod) + ((hhe / 1000.0f) * (attack_delay / haste_mod))) * 100);
-	else
-		speed = static_cast<int>(((attack_delay / haste_mod) + ((hhe / 100.0f) * attack_delay)) * 100);
 	for (int i = MainRange; i <= MainSecondary; i++) {
 		//pick a timer
@@ -4607,6 +4596,16 @@ void NPC::SetAttackTimer()
 		else	//invalid slot (hands will always hit this)
+		const Item_Struct *ItemToUse = nullptr;
+		// Identify the material from the slot to determine the weapon
+		uint8 materialFromSlot = _MaterialInvalid;
+		materialFromSlot = Inventory::CalcMaterialFromSlot(i);
+		int itemID = GetEquipment(materialFromSlot);
+		if (itemID > 0)
+			ItemToUse = database.GetItem(itemID);;
 		//special offhand stuff
 		if (i == MainSecondary) {
 			// SPECATK_QUAD is uncheesable
@@ -4616,6 +4615,50 @@ void NPC::SetAttackTimer()
+		//see if we have a valid weapon
+		if (ItemToUse != nullptr) {
+			//check type and damage/delay
+			if (ItemToUse->ItemClass != ItemClassCommon
+					|| ItemToUse->Damage == 0
+					|| ItemToUse->Delay == 0) {
+				//no weapon
+				ItemToUse = nullptr;
+			}
+			// Check to see if skill is valid
+			else if ((ItemToUse->ItemType > ItemTypeLargeThrowing) &&
+					(ItemToUse->ItemType != ItemTypeMartial) &&
+					(ItemToUse->ItemType != ItemType2HPiercing)) {
+				//no weapon
+				ItemToUse = nullptr;
+			}
+		}
+		int hhe = itembonuses.HundredHands + spellbonuses.HundredHands;
+		// Client pets do some logic for weapons, but the effect is minimal
+		// What they do is take the lower of their set delay and the weapon's
+		// ex. Pet's delay set to 20, weapon set to 19, delay 19
+		// Pet's delay set to 20, weapon set to 21, delay 20
+		int speed = 0;
+		int delay = 100 * attack_delay;
+		// Only apply the weapon-based delay modifications to Client pets. Otherwise,
+		// this change would affect all NPCs and their pets
+		bool clientpet = false;
+		if ((IsPet() || IsTempPet()) && IsPetOwnerClient())
+			clientpet = true;
+		// Apply weapon delay only if it's faster than the pet's default attack_delay
+		if (clientpet && (ItemToUse != nullptr) && (ItemToUse->Delay < attack_delay))
+			delay = 100 * ItemToUse->Delay;
+		speed = delay / haste_mod;
+		if (RuleB(Spells, Jun182014HundredHandsRevamp))
+			speed = static_cast<int>(speed + ((hhe / 1000.0f) * speed));
+		else
+			speed = static_cast<int>(speed + ((hhe / 100.0f) * delay));
 		TimerToUse->SetAtTrigger(std::max(RuleI(Combat, MinHastedDelay), speed), true, true);
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