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Old 02-10-2009, 07:26 PM
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Thanks Derision! I am glad to start seeing some dev interest in this project. It has been a pretty huge one so far lol. The amount of hours I have put in over the past couple of months is pretty insane. I was hoping once I got it to a somewhat playable point that others might start realizing that it wasn't just a pipe dream anymore and that it was going to actually get done!

If you need any help or suggestions for character creation let me know. I can easily get ShowEQ logs of the character creation process from EQLive to share with you. Those will be much easier to read than packet sniffs from WireShark or something. That is assuming that EQLive and SoF handle it the same way, but I am pretty sure it would be the same, or at least much closer than how Titanium handles it.

I have been focusing on AAs mostly over the past couple nights. I am pretty sure that the structure is just wrong. I was basing it off of the EQLive AA structure, but I bet SoF was slightly different. The good thing is that there is minimal difference between EQLive and Titanium, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out what to change/remove from the current struct I have that is based off of EQLive.

I have also filled in a few more Opcodes, but haven't updated the SVN with them yet. Probably 70% of the Opcodes we need to fill them all out will come directly from the client in a tail log (as an OP_Unknown), so those will be very easy to get. For the rest of them, they may be a bit trickier, but those can be handled when the time comes.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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