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Old 07-22-2018, 09:35 AM
John C
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 49
Default Setting Up to Compile

I have my server set up and working using the easy installer (Thanks!), but now am attempting to compile so I can make a few code changes. I found an old thread that gave some instructions and was able to download GIT and create my own local clone. I downloaded CMAKE and selected the source and build directories, but when I attempt to configure I received the error "Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid" with a single red line:

Value: Debug;Release;MinSizeRel;RelWithDebInfo

The CMakeLists.txt file includes the following...

#Default build type is set to RelWithDebInfo for generators that honor that like makefiles
SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build." FORCE)

I was a coder way back when (I coded in C because C++ hadn't been invented yet) so I understand the basics of coding, but these tools are very different from the era when I was coding. I am confident I can stumble my way through the code edits if I can just learn to use the tools and compile. I suspect I have something misconfigured in my environment. Would appreciate any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong. Thanks!
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