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Old 08-18-2018, 12:13 AM
John C
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 49
Default Targeting Pets / Resupply & Banker Veteran Rewards

The Veteran rewards for Supply Agent and Clockwork Banker summon the pets correctly, but there does not appear to be any way to interact with them as I cannot click on them (from an ROF2 client). A google search recommends turning off the "click through pet" option, but apparently that option came after this client.

Thinking back a bit, I suddenly recall that I don't believe clicking on any pet targets them. I've always had to do it by clicking on a health bar. So is that an intentional feature to replicate the "click through pet" option? Is that even possible on the server? If so, there should likely be an exception for the case of the Veteran Rewards pets. Or is there a client limitation? Seems unlikely, but I certainly don't know.

Does anyone actually know? It would definitely save me some time as searching the code for a targeting adjustment (that could very well not even exist) could be fairly cumbersome.

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