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Old 02-22-2006, 12:07 AM
I built it I will Support it!
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Michigan
Posts: 214

I personally think that going with a fresh install from the CD would be a good idea but I can also see the downfall of it. As Belfidia said, instead of asking for a backpatch yes people would now be asking for these files, however, no matter what choice you make people are still going to ask for the client files. This is just going to happen either way. My other concern regarding this would be availability of the Titanium package. Sure right now you can buy it for $20 bucks, but what about in 6 months when they come out with another new expansion and then release an all new package deal. Or how about in a year, will the Titanium package still be available for those that want to buy it?

As for the good things, as long as the Titanium package remains available this would allow for the community to grow even more. No longer would people have to worry about patching at the right time. The Devs could then just stick to fixing old bugs, implementing new features and making a really solid emulator. Not having to worry about chasing live and what is broken now that it has been made compatable with live agian.

As for new features and things that get added with the new expansions I personally have not played any of the new expansions past LDoN and actually never made it to some of the content from before this even, so I do not care if the newer stuff ever gets implemented. I would be happy with just getting everything up to PoP working but that is just my own opinion on this.

All I am really trying to say is under the right circumstances I think that using the Titanium package for client compatablilty would be a great Idea. Well whatever you do decide to do I say, keep up the great work and thank you for providing all of us with a great emulator so far.