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Old 06-16-2009, 05:46 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Washington
Posts: 23

I love the task system, once I saw it was up and running I had to try to learn it. I basically used the wiki on it http:// and modified my database using MySQL Query Browser. I didn't realize that KLS made the Task Master program for it until after I finished these, but I am just now learning about database stuff so I'm glad I did it the way I did, I learned soo much. I know pretty much nothing about Perl, I grabbed code from other files for what I used.

I like to keep my database up to date with PEQ so I kept my ID numbers at 100+ and modified a bat file that Nosfentora made for botbackup to backup my tasks :

@echo off
REM Change these variables to suit your setup

REM the name of your database
set db=peq

REM the ip of your MySQL server, leave as is if local
REM -h prefix is needed if remote
set ip=-h127.0.0.1

REM Your database password, leave blank to enter manually
set pass=******

REM the folder to backup to (created in the current folder), set to . to not create a folder
set backupdir=backup
REM the name of the task backup file to create
set backupfile=taskbackup.sql

echo **************************************
echo ***        Backing up Tasks        ***
echo **************************************
if backupdir==. goto :end
dir .\ /a:d | find /i "%backupdir%" > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto notfound
goto :end
md %backupdir%

echo *** Dumping Activities...          ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=taskid>'100'" -x -t %db% activities >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Goal Lists...          ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=listid>'100'" -x -t %db% goallists >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Proximities...         ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=exploreid>'100'" -x -t %db% proximities >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Tasks...               ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=id>'100'" -x -t %db% tasks >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo *** Dumping Task Sets...           ***
mysqldump -u root -p%pass% %ip% "--where=taskid>'100'" -x -t %db% tasksets >> %backupdir%\%backupfile%
echo ***          Done dumping!         ***
echo **************************************
echo To re-source the tasks source '%backupdir%\%backupfile%'
The next time I do tasks, I'll try out KLS's program, it looks like it'll help alot
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