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Old 05-26-2019, 12:33 AM
strugglegenerator's Avatar
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 231
Smile Classic Skeleton Models

I want the classic skeleton models instead of the Luclin skeleton models. I have read a ton of forum posts and have had no luck from any of them yet.

The classic skeleton model race ID is 60. The "New Skeleton" model race ID is 367. Whenever I update an NPC in the EOC NPC Editor, it does not update the model to the classic skeleton after restarting my server. In fact, the model just looks the same as before.

As a test, I targeted one of the skeletons in East Commonlands and did the GM command #race 60 and it successfully turned into a classic skeleton. So, it is possible to load a classic skeleton, but only as an illusion.

When I click on the skeleton with the illusion, I typed in the GM command #showstats and was able to see the RaceID changed to 60 but the BaseRaceID is still referencing the old skeleton race ID 367. This indicates that in order to change the new skeleton to the classic skeleton globally, I'll need to find out where the BaseRaceID data is stored and update it to 60.

Most of the forum posts indicate that it's a server side issue with the GlobalLoad file, but I've tried everything all of the forums posts have suggested and had no luck.

Does anyone know where I can access the BaseRaceID in the database? I cannot find it anywhere. Thank you!
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