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Old 10-03-2018, 08:35 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 25

I wrote this late at night, pretty sure it will work out, though my comments -may- be off a little, maybe someone can correct me on any wrong points. We're all here to learn.

%HoH = (
	'leather'	=>	{
					'head'	=>	147587,
					'chest'	=>	147588,
					'legs'	=>	147591,
	'plate'		=>	{
					'head'	=>	147580,
					'chest'	=>	147581,
					'legs'	=>	147584,
	'chain'		=>	{
					'head'	=>	147573,
					'chest'	=>	147547,
					'legs'	=>	147577,
	'cloth'		=>	{
					'head'	=>	147566,
					'chest'	=>	147567,
					'legs'	=>	147570,

	if ($text=~/hasharmorset/i)
		# doing the following assuming the player is wearing a plate head (ID 147580)
		foreach $firstlevelkey (keys %HoH) 
		# iterate the parent keys of hash %HoH one by one and put the current key being read into $parentkey
		# we will assume 'plate' was read first
			$childhashref = $HoH{$firstlevelkey};	
			# make reference of first level hash based on current parent key (i.e. $parentkey)
			# $childhashref now equals $HoH{plate}
			foreach $secondlevelkey (keys %$childhashref) 
			# iterate the second level (child) keys of the dereferenced hash and put that key into $secondlevelkey
			# could also be written %{$childhashref} - lets assume it pulls out the key 'head' from $HoH{plate}
				if ($client->GetItemIDAt(2) == $HoH{$firstlevelkey}->{$secondlevelkey})
				# $HoH{plate}->{head} is equal to its key value which is 147580 - a match, we know they have plate this iteration
				quest::say("You are wearing a ".$firstlevelkey." ".$secondlevelkey." found within my Hash of Hashes");
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