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Old 05-30-2009, 02:39 PM
pfyon's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Ottawa
Posts: 495

Well, I've done some more testing and looking into this problem for me.

As I said in my earlier post, it's still not working perfectly. Also it seems that it depends on the zone and, to an extent, the direction the camera is facing. Older zones lag up a lot more than newer ones (unrest, freeportw are unplayable, kael isn't horrible, and pofire it rarely lags up at all). Despawning all the mobs in freeportw really helped, so it seems it might be related to the character models and/or the number of npcs. In skyshrine, facing towards yelinak's door from yelinak caused unplayable amounts of lag, but turning towards the back of the room was mostly fine.

I tried turning off texture caching and texture compression just to see if it helped, no difference. Updated my sound card drivers, no help there either.

Considering I've done all the fixes suggested (I think), I'm thinking this time it's more a video issue than the processor issue, but who knows. For people who have encountered this problem, is it just EQ that locks up or the entire system?

The only other thing I can think of is updating my bios.