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Old 01-04-2011, 10:30 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 18

Has anyone figured out how to launch (SoD client) with /affinity X using shortcuts in Windows 7 (x64) ?

Or, any way?

I have a 4-core 8-thread cpu (i7 950) if I launch one copy of Sod it will set affinity to cpu 0. If I launch a 2nd copy it will set affinity of that client to cpu 1 - problem here is that is the same cpu (hyperthreading).

If I launch a 3rd copy it will use.... cpu 0 again. It's like it doesn't understand anything beyond 2-core 2-thread (non-HT) cpus.

I have to manually set the affinity with taskman, which is a pain with boxing 4+ clients..