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Old 12-17-2022, 04:25 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 5

How i would do rogue is each ability costs a FLAT amount of END (controlled by a script, let's say 33% endurance), and to gain endurance you would have to use sinister strike and it would grant you like 25% endurance, ranging out the damage would be a bit difficult but ive thought and written down about 8 pages of 'how would it work' for WoW stuff that ive gathered from other servers about the only thing id need help with i think would be the change in the main db where str would control the damage of melee abilities and int controlling caster and things like that, other then that i think a WoW server would be fun as hell! - or id make rogue have 100 endurance and make all abilities cost you know 33 endurnace etc, saw that possible in db =)

In the same token, a Minialimist server would be super fun too, nothing out of control at all everything controlled majorly through gear, i think that would be super fun.

IN THE SAME TOKEN!!!! A completely custom server with like battle mages and dwing clerics!!! THAT would be sick, too!

That's why I'm throwing feelings out in the community to see what *some* people would play on if i get lots of people saying wow in eq would be fun then ill start on it and itll take however long it takes, i have 4-5 people who are deving with me, and between the all of us we cant make up our minds on which one sounds more fun.

i do thank you for your input and insight though! =)
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