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Old 07-14-2019, 03:57 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Tacoma, WA
Posts: 220
Default Kurrpok Splitpaw Missing in South Karana

So.. In West Karana there is the beginnings of a quest called the Hollow Skull quest. All the other players are in place quest wise, except for this one. Kurrpok Splitpaw in South Karana. He is a lvl 25 white splitpaw gnoll shaman. He paths east of Splitpaw and north of the Hermit. On my server, I can create him easily enough, and add the "ruby pendant" to his loot table, but I'm not great at setting up waypoints and pathing. The item he needs to drop is a Ruby Pendant (Item 13985 in PEQDB items list).

Anyway, it's something that's missing. That quest was in the game way back. I did it just before Kunark was released, iirc.
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