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Old 07-22-2022, 01:44 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I've tried just about everything I can think of to get Nektulos back to how I had it previously.
These queries will update all zone and zone_points, going in and out of the old nektulos zone. ASSUMING, your connecting zones are old versions as well.
(This is from my own projects that I am using)

UPDATE `zone` SET `short_name` = 'nektulos', `file_name` = '', `long_name` = 'The Nektulos Forest', `map_file_name` = 'nektulos_classic', `safe_x` = -279, `safe_y` = -1201, `safe_z` = -5, `safe_heading` = 0, `graveyard_id` = 0, `min_level` = 0, `min_status` = 0, `zoneidnumber` = 25, `version` = 0, `timezone` = 0, `maxclients` = 0, `ruleset` = 0, `note` = NULL, `underworld` = -189, `minclip` = 200, `maxclip` = 275, `fog_minclip` = 10, `fog_maxclip` = 1500, `fog_blue` = 70, `fog_red` = 80, `fog_green` = 90, `sky` = 0, `ztype` = 255, `zone_exp_multiplier` = 1.25, `walkspeed` = 0.4, `time_type` = 1, `fog_red1` = 0, `fog_green1` = 0, `fog_blue1` = 0, `fog_minclip1` = 450, `fog_maxclip1` = 450, `fog_red2` = 80, `fog_green2` = 90, `fog_blue2` = 70, `fog_minclip2` = 10, `fog_maxclip2` = 500, `fog_red3` = 80, `fog_green3` = 90, `fog_blue3` = 70, `fog_minclip3` = 10, `fog_maxclip3` = 500, `fog_red4` = 80, `fog_green4` = 90, `fog_blue4` = 70, `fog_minclip4` = 10, `fog_maxclip4` = 500, `fog_density` = 0.33, `flag_needed` = '', `canbind` = 1, `cancombat` = 1, `canlevitate` = 1, `castoutdoor` = 1, `hotzone` = 0, `insttype` = 0, `shutdowndelay` = 5000, `peqzone` = 1, `expansion` = 1, `suspendbuffs` = 0, `rain_chance1` = 10, `rain_chance2` = 10, `rain_chance3` = 5, `rain_chance4` = 5, `rain_duration1` = 2, `rain_duration2` = 3, `rain_duration3` = 1, `rain_duration4` = 2, `snow_chance1` = 0, `snow_chance2` = 0, `snow_chance3` = 0, `snow_chance4` = 0, `snow_duration1` = 0, `snow_duration2` = 0, `snow_duration3` = 0, `snow_duration4` = 0, `gravity` = 0.4, `type` = 0, `skylock` = 0, `skip_los` = 0, `music` = 2, `fast_regen_hp` = 180, `fast_regen_mana` = 180, `fast_regen_endurance` = 180, `npc_max_aggro_dist` = 600, `max_movement_update_range` = 600, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `underworld_teleport_index` = 0, `lava_damage` = 50, `min_lava_damage` = 10 WHERE `id` = 439;

UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'nektulos', `version` = 0, `number` = 77, `y` = 0, `x` = 0, `z` = 0, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = -841, `target_x` = 132, `target_z` = -157, `target_heading` = 4, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 202, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 1447;
UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'nektulos', `version` = 0, `number` = 3, `y` = 3107, `x` = 289, `z` = -17, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = -2091, `target_x` = -205, `target_z` = -14, `target_heading` = 0, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 27, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 2302;
UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'nektulos', `version` = 0, `number` = 2, `y` = 0, `x` = 0, `z` = 0, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = 1549, `target_x` = 627, `target_z` = -20, `target_heading` = 290, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 22, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 1445;
UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'nektulos', `version` = 0, `number` = 1, `y` = 0, `x` = 0, `z` = 0, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = 53, `target_x` = 154, `target_z` = 28, `target_heading` = 256, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 40, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 1444;

UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'ecommons', `version` = 0, `number` = 4, `y` = 0, `x` = 0, `z` = 0, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = -2694, `target_x` = -642, `target_z` = -18, `target_heading` = 64, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 25, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 53;
UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'poknowledge', `version` = 0, `number` = 17, `y` = 0, `x` = 0, `z` = 0, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = 705, `target_x` = -349, `target_z` = -4, `target_heading` = 80, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 25, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 468;
UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'lavastorm', `version` = 0, `number` = 25, `y` = -2117.83, `x` = -194.11, `z` = -16.45, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = 3107, `target_x` = 289, `target_z` = -17, `target_heading` = 256, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 25, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 2297;
UPDATE `zone_points` SET `zone` = 'neriaka', `version` = 0, `number` = 3, `y` = 29, `x` = 155, `z` = 30, `heading` = 0, `target_y` = 2252, `target_x` = -1109, `target_z` = 2.19, `target_heading` = 0, `zoneinst` = 0, `target_zone_id` = 25, `target_instance` = 0, `buffer` = 0, `client_version_mask` = 4294967295, `min_expansion` = -1, `max_expansion` = -1, `content_flags` = NULL, `content_flags_disabled` = NULL, `is_virtual` = 0, `height` = 0, `width` = 0 WHERE `id` = 415;
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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