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Old 02-09-2012, 05:54 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 56
Default How I got there

Installed programs
Perl 5.1

Navigated to c:\mysql\bin – right click use - downloads peqdatabase into bin folder.
Find c:\mysql\bin\peqdatabase\peqdb_Rev2100.sql.gz file and extract it to same folder so you have c:\mysql\bin\peqdatabase\peqdb_rev2100.sql file available.
Cd msysql\bin\peqdatabase to locate directory
Problem – unable to cd to peqdatabase as name to long so renamed to peqdb, Cd msysql\bin\peqdb
Once at correct point type mysql –u root –p, then enter password.
Then create database peq;
Use peq;
source peqdb_rev2100.sql;
source load_player.sql;
source load_bots.sql;

Create a folder called c:\eqemufiles for storage.
Create a folder called c:\eqemuserver – to place extracted server files
Download eqemuloginserver.rar to c:\eqemufiles – then extract all of that to c:\eqemuserver
Create subfolder c:\eqemufiles\server files, then right click and svn
Navigate to folder c:\eqemufiles\server files\trunk\EQEmuServer\EQEmuLoginServer\login_uti l.
Copy eqemulogin.ini, login_opcodes.conf to c:\eqemuserver folder
Problem eqemulogin.ini doesn’t exist however forums says use login.ini also several opcodes
Navigate further to …login_utl\ms\debug.
Copy EQEmuAuthCrypto.dll to c:\eqemuserver folder
Using Heidi create new database peqlogin – then highlight it
Import sql, navigate to c:\eqemufiles\server files\trunk\EQEmuServer\EQEmuLoginServer\login_uti l
Choose file EQEmuLoginServerDBInstall.sql then F9 to execute
Create two text files ending in .sql using format all files with:
File1- Insert into tblLoginServerAccounts (AccountName, AccountPassword, AccountEmail, LastLoginDate, LastIPAddress) values ('myaccout', sha('mypassword'), '', now(), '');
File2 - INSERT INTO `tblworldserverregistration` (`ServerID`, `ServerLongName`, `ServerTagDescription`, `ServerShortName`, `ServerListTypeID`, `ServerLastLoginDate`, `ServerLastIPAddr`, `ServerAdminID`, `Note`) VALUES ('1', 'MYLAND', 'MINE', 'LAND', '2', NULL, NULL, '1', NULL);

Back to Heidi with peqlogin selected – import file1, f9 to execute – import file2, f9 to execute – exit heidi

Find eqemu_config.xml within c:\eqemuserver and edit.
Problem it is not there – copied it from a previous version I found??
<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. (read: You don't) -->
<!-- Loginserver information. Defaults shown -->
</loginserver> <!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini. Defaults shown -->

Create bat file
@echo off
start EQEmuLoginServer.exe
start world
echo waiting for the world to finish before starting zone...
sleep 10

For now left maps and quests out as also in the server folder the directories do not exist but can copy/paste later
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