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Old 07-18-2006, 05:50 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 39

I'm going to go ahead and ask them here since there doesn't seem to be another place and this is as good as any~

Some of these questions may seem obvious, but I have played on almost every EQemu PVP server out there, and these are all things I have seen changed or broken on PVP servers before.

Every one of these questions will help people determine what class they will be playing and if they will be boxing (assuming its allowed). I have personally wasted too much time leveling classes on servers without knowing that certain key class elements/spells or class-effecting game mechanics had been changed or removed. I know these are a lot of questions but a lot of people are looking forward to your server and I, for one, do not want to waste a bunch of time once the server opens finding out all these things when it is too late

1. You stated that the only spells that will be in game are those in classic EQ. How will we obtain these spells? If it is through normal classic means (i.e. buying them as opposed to a spell distributer NPC) how will you deal with the classic spells that are not normally on vendors (quest or research only), such as Ice Comet?

2. Do debuff spells, such as Tashani, Malo, etc., do 1.5X the normal debuff effect, like in Live PVP?

3. Do damage spells do 66% damage in PVP, and if so does this include DoTs?

4. When Kunark opens are Kunark era spells going to become avaiable?

5. Has melee damage been altered at all, or is it the same as Live?

6. Is there a group experience modifier (bonus) that is different from Live?

7. Are all classic EQ item drops/named mobs in game? I.e. does the Foreman Tunic drop off the Foreman in sola, do GEBs drop of ELord in solb, GBS off Pyzgin, etc?

8. Specifically, are Jboots in game? (not asking how you get them if you want to keep it under wraps, just asking if they are obtainable)

9. Are there any tradeskills functioning, specifically jewelcraft? And if not is there a vendor where we can buy stat jewelry that we would normally be able to buy off players?

10. Are the planes going to be open and populated?

Again, I know these are a lot of questions, but each one has an impact on exactly how the server should be approached when it opens.

Thanks in advance.